or, the things i am working on and the gathered things that inspired me.
Yes, I start my weeks on Monday like a normal person. Here’s the week in so many words:
Recorded my last interview of the year. Solid convo. To be released late January. This December, I choose family time and I choose to hit the nog pretty hard. I long for those sweet, multicolored tamales and atole, but the nog will do.
Began my Phoebe project late last night with an ambient track recording session. Not sure I’ll use it but it’s helping me set the tone for the rest of the sessions. Need to gather sound from all over the house too. Look for the audio traces of my cat left behind in silly little cat places. This track is ongoing and called Doorscratching.

Did major edits on the vocal track for the new Cruz & Jonez song. Feeling much better about it now.
Finally animated the new logo, so now it has some of that much-needed cassette tape energy!

River, Sea, Ocean (Live Rehearsal). Found this gem on the YouTube. Badly Drawn Boy is one of my favorite songwriters and I have been thinking of this song for a few weeks. Reminds me of Seattle. I think it reminds me of Phoebe too.
Wednesdays are a wash. I didn’t feel like making anything today. I did find this:
Every time I see this I must download it to my phone or save it. Author/screenwriter C. Robert Cargill is so generous with craft knowledge to those who follow him on social media.

Felt better the last few days, like I’m back on track. Revised project goals and mile markers for the remainder of December.
Audio session in the basement. Farting around. Found a verse for an old chorus. Made note. Worked on the Phoebe project a bit more.
Punch Drunk Love it’s been far too long! Time for a rewatch. Algorithm did something right for once by recommending the Phone scene with Barry Egan vs Mattress Man (YouTube Video).
Plotted cluster audio collage rewrites and new outline.
Lyrics. A poem too.
DRONES = ALIENS and I am here for it.
Ableton session in the basement, no lyrics yet.
Also, nothing.
Barry Sonnenfeld Criterion Picks (YouTube Video). Low-key, this man influenced my entire childhood and much of my artistic sensibility. Random.
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