a thin plastic bag for my intuition.

so here’s what’s been going on this summer: i’m working on two audio projects this month for the coalition that should be coming in the next couple of weeks. pretty exciting stuff!

when coalitionworks lit journal isn’t going on, i try to work on my own stuff, mostly playwriting. i love audio notes, so I talk to myself, chipping away at pieces of drama again and again until they take some kind of shape in my recordings and then on paper. i keep at it, and the structure eventually appears and hardens. it is well-earned. this time around however, i am rejecting plot completely in favor of a light, almost transparent form of shell for this sound collage experiment. a thin plastic bag for my intuition. this was my struggle, but i’m happy to share i have finally devised a way to NOT break story on this project. it shall be purposefully plotless? sure. something like that. what a beautiful shitshow. anyway, this will be cluster collage #1, coming soon!!

also, second audio project is a special short audio play presentation, currently in production. stay tuned!

that’s it. go make a dent. much love,


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