making + moving things 12224

  • We’re devastated. We lost Phoebe on this day. For fifteen years, she was the greatest companion who cuddled on her own terms, and was an absolute anchor for our family. I will always miss her. But as the days pass, we find tremendous gratitude for the beautiful memories she gave us. If you read this, do me a favor and give your cats a whole bunch of cuddles and tell them you love them. Love you so much, Phoebe. You’ll always be in our hearts.
  • On Friday, I had a dream Phoebe was all right again.
  • The walk helped. There are beautiful murals around town, but this one is my favorite.
  • Recording session at Speer Studio. Laid down vocals for new song. Lyrics changed and changed and changed. Nothing was landing, tried again and again. Solved the problem. Dust really helped me through today. Grateful.
Dust gets a little fancy with the tambourine.
A moment of stillness in the morning cold. Love this place.
  • Took the fam to see My Neighbor Totoro at our local movie theater. We’ve seen the movie countless times but it was a spectacle to experience on the big screen. The images came over us. The cloudscapes were larger than life. The sound design really came alive too. Totoro is a truly comforting, meditative experience.

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