making + moving things 121624

Yes, I start my weeks on Monday like a normal person. Here’s the week in so many words:


New outline for cluster collage. Tossed out dated/useless bits. Threaded new into old. It’ll work.


Reinvented piece number 6 of 19 in the cluster collage. Found a new direction for it and sparked life into the project again. 13 completed, 6 more to go.


Tangent research about pearls.


Busy Tuesday, couldn’t get anything done. I liked this Noel Gallager interview from Gibson TV. I would love to okay with this format of presenting interviews without the questions. Despite his sibling antics and fastidious reputation, Noel Gallagher’s soaringly catchy songs have always been in my life. I like this series a lot.


Reworked the Poncho narrative for cluster collage. 3 bits of the total 19. Will produce them in the next few days.


Dust re-recorded guitars for the new Cruz & Jonez track. Need a song title.


I should have bought myself a pocket protector for Christmas.


On Thursday morning, the sunrise was paintbrushed.

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