making + moving things 12025

Yes, I start my weeks on Monday like a normal person.


Coalitionist is off to the races! I pulled a complete 180° and worked on carving space for the newsletter on the coalition website, rather than on substack. As much as I enjoy Substack as a platform, it just didn’t sit right with me and it doesn’t make sense to host the magazine elsewhere. The coalition website has the capability to sustain a second publication, so why go elsewhere? It was a big pivot but I’m glad it happened. I struggled to settle on a layout but what I ended up with feels true and specific. I am trying this new thing where I construct the issue as I go, so the magazine has been live for a few days now. I’m experimenting, swinging for the fences, and publicly reshaping the project as it goes, so we all get to watch it grow out in the open and in real time. I hope you check out the January issue in progress.


Saw this awesome Soderbergh quote online, downloaded it, but wasn’t able to save the original post because I accidentally refreshed the feed. Thank you to the amazing creative who shared this, whoever and wherever you are!

Quote from this article about the Mosaic project:


Recording readings in my car for some reason. Trying out new configurations for portable recording.


Arts Calling is back. I stared at the episode timeline in Adobe Audition for most of this week but got it done in time. Episode 161 with the amazing Kim Dower. This one will get you started on the right track for 2025!


Freezing cold this weekend. Stayed in. Wrote fiction.


Short ableton session for the Phoebe project. Got a few good pieces out of it.


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