making + moving things 1125

Yes, I start my weeks on Monday like a normal person.


Watched the new Godzilla and Kong movie leading up to New Years. This is all I could think about throughout Godzilla’s nuclear fits, so I went ahead and made this. Happy New Year.


Craig sent a handful of amazing takes of his scene for cluster one. edited his work.

Wrote the voicemail scene for Brad and recorded over the phone. He was phenomenal. The best course of action is to make stuff with your friends.

Throughout the week, I wrote the remaining four scenes and sent one to Brenda. Three left.

I recorded my scene late last night. Only two more scenes left. I hope to be done with the whole thing soon.


And lo, a half-assed poem happened. It’s not very good, but means well.


Writing one more scene for cluster, will record on Sunday.


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